A Mindset for the Anthropocene

The project explores the connections between Sustainability and Inner Change research.

A Mindset for the Anthropocene
Year 2016 – 2020
Website ama-project.org
Client RIFS Potsam

We are in the midst of the Anthropocene, the age in which humanity has dramatically shaped the planet. Humanity's impact on bio-diversity, the atmosphere, whole eco-systems will have long lasting effects. Climate change is one of the effects brought about by humanity's impact. In our transition towards more sustainable ways of living, we require more than just the natural sciences to help us guide the way.

The project "A Mindset for the Anthropocene" explores connections between the community of sustainability and inner change researchers. By mapping the communities and potential overlaps, the project tries to foster a discourse between the domain experts, to gain new joint insights and perspectives.

Contracted by the former IASS (Institute for Advanced Sustainability Studies), the Interaction Design Lab has developed a platform for the community to collect and organize information, as well as explore and investigate the inherent relationships. To allow for novel ways of exploration, we have built a variety of visual-exploratory tools, from maps to network visualisations.

Following an iterative co-creation process, we developed the solutions together with the researchers and the community. A systematic visual language allows users to quickly navigate the different interfaces as well as identify visual patterns within the data. The project has recently (2022) been picked up by another company and been updated to a new version (see live version).

Interaction × Design × Lab × Interaction × Design × Lab × Interaction × Design × Lab
Information Visualization x Platform x Science Communication



Interactive network visualization on the integration of mindsets and sustainability–creating conditions for emergence through a relational narrative

Innovation: the European journal of social science research