Publikationen (128)

der letzten 10 Jahre:
Interaction × Design × Lab × Interaction × Design × Lab × Interaction × Design × Lab
Prototyping × Visualization × Dashboads × Transfer × Science × GeoVis × InfoVis

Collaborative Learning through XR. A study of eye- and hand-based XR interactions to support collaborative learning in the chemistry classroom

In: Tared Ahram, Luca Casarotto and Pietro Costa (eds) Human Interaction and Emerging Technologies (IHIET 2024). AHFE (2024) International Conference. AHFE Open Access, vol -1. AHFE International, USA.

Prototypes as Future Artifacts of Today: Towards Prototyping Alternative Futures

  • Nils Matzner, Marcel Thiel-Woznica
  • Jordi Tost
  • Kevin Weller
On_Culture: The Open Journal for the Study of Culture

Interpreting Climate Images on the Internet: Mixing Algorithmic and Interpretive Views to Enable an Intercultural Comparison (ANCI)

  • Birgit Schneider
  • Thomas Nocke
  • Paul Heinicker
  • Jana Kienbaum
in Mixing Methods, Transcript Verlag, Bielefeld University Press.

Nachtalb: A Multisensory Neurofeedback VR-Interface

ACM SIGGRAPH 2022 Immersive Pavilion (SIGGRAPH '22). Association for Computing Machinery, New York, NY, USA, Article 14, 1–2.

Prototyping Inconvenience: A Pedagogical Experiment on Designing for Debate in Design Education

IxD&A Journal (51) p.81–110

Unfolding Spaces – Introduction of a Methodical-didactical Teaching Concept for a Virtual and Intercultural Cooperation Course in Art-based Research and Design Study Programmes

Proceedings of the international conference

Wahrnehmungsstrukturen und User Experience des digitalen Kulturerbes. Ein Blick auf museale Online-Sammlungen

Konferenzabstracts DHd2022. Kulturen des digitalen Gedächtnisses p.411–414, Potsdam, Germany

Gestaltung von Bildungmedien: Wie können Studierende durch die eigene Gestaltung von Lehr-Lernmaterialien komplexe Sachverhalte besser verstehen? – Vorstellung einer Lehrveranstaltung aus der Fachdisziplin Design.

In den Proceedings der TURN Conference - Wandel gestalten, Kiel 2022

Interactive network visualization on the integration of mindsets and sustainability–creating conditions for emergence through a relational narrative

Innovation: the European journal of social science research

Gleich und doch verschieden: Herausforderungen an Städte im internationalen Vergleich

, Fachhochschule Potsdam

In Case You Don’t Know What To Play: Framework for a VR Application That Manipulates Time Perception through Spatial Distortion

Proceedings of Mensch Und Computer 2021 p.609–613, Association for Computing Machinery, Ingolstadt, Germany

Nachtalb: A Multisensory Neurofeedback VR-Interface

SIGGRAPH Asia 2021 XR, Association for Computing Machinery, Tokyo, Japan

Relational Perspectives as Situated Visualizations of Art Collections

Digital Scholarship in the Humanities (36) p.ii17–ii29, The European Association for Digital Humanities

Datenspenden und digitale Souveränität – eine Untersuchung zu Bedürfnissen und Einstellungen aus Designperspektive

Masterarbeit, Fachhochschule Potsdam

Personalisation of data-driven storytelling

ICC 2021

Privacy-centred data-driven innovation in the smart city. Exemplary use case of traffic counting

  • Mihaljevic, H.
  • Larsen, C. J.
  • Sebastian Meier
  • Nekoto, W.
  • Morón Zirfas, F.
Journal on Urban, Planning and Transport Research (9:1)

Systemische und Innovative Ansätze für die Umweltberichterstattung

Herausgeber: Umweltbundesamt. TEXTE 00/2021. Abschlussbericht Forschungskennzahl 3717 12 103 0. Dessau.

Unravelling the Human Perspective and Considerations for Urban Data Visualization

IEEE PacificVis 2021

Design trifft Informationswissenschaft – Eine Diskussion zum Wandel zweier Disziplinen im Kontext der Digitalisierung

Information - Wissenschaft & Praxis, vol. 71, no. 2-3, pp. 86-94.

“Stranger Things – Prototyping Inconvenience”: A Case Study On Critical Design In Design Education

ACM DIS 2020 Workshop – Speculative and Critical Design in Education: Practice and Perspectives

Inquiry-Based Learning in Design

Inquiry-Based Learning – Undergraduate Research. The German Multidisciplinary Experience p.229–247, Spinger

Our Symbiotic Life: An Exploration of Interspecies Relations

Proceedings of the 2019 on Designing Interactive Systems Conference p.1349–1362, Association for Computing Machinery, San Diego, CA, USA

Design 0815. Erfahrungen der Alumni für Curricula nutzen.

DUZ Wissenschaft & Management 10/2019, pp. 17–20.

On the relevance of cartography — An interaction design perspective

Proceedings of the International Cartography Conference 2019 (ICC 2019) – Tokyo, Japan

Urban Mobility Symposium: Karten, Daten, Geovisualisierung

Kartographische Nachrichten (70/1-2), Editorial

Data-driven personal cartographic perspectives

Kartographische Nachrichten, (13/8)

Interface Design. Corporate Interaction

Kompendium Corporate Identity & Corporate Design 4.0 p.88–107, avedition

Mapping Governance of Adaptation to Climate Change in Switzerland

Regional Studies, Regional Science (5:1) p.398–401

Zivilgesellschaftlichen Mehrwert schaffen - Daten für Bürger*innen aufbereiten

Magazine by the Office for statistics Berlin-Brandenburg

Forschendes Lernen im Design

Forschendes Lernen: Wie die Lehre in Universität und Fachhochschule erneuert werden kann. p.269–279, Campus

Human-Computer Interaction in Geovisualization

i-com – Journal of Interactive Media (16:3) p.203

Personal Big Data

Potsdam University

Psychogeography in the Age of the Quantified Self-Mental Map Modelling with Georeferenced Personal Activity Data

LNG&C - Advances in Cartography and GIScience Best exhibit award

The Individual in the Data — the Aspect of Personal Relevance

i-com 2017; 16(3): pp. 247-265

Visualizations in Online News — and Their Effect on Perceived Credibility

Kartographische Nachrichten, Sonderheft 02/2017

Communicating landslide risk by combining hazard and open infrastructure data in interactive visualizations

EGU 2017, European Geosciences Union General Assembly

Hazards and accessibility: combining and visualizing threat and open infrastructure data for disaster management

  • Jordi Tost
  • Fabian Ehmel
  • Frank Heidmann
  • Stephanie M. Olen
  • Bodo Bookhagen
Proceedings of the International Cartography Conference 2017 (ICC 2017) – Washington D.C, USA

Visualization and Interaction with Multiple Devices. A Case Study on Reachability of Remote Areas for Emergency Management

i-com, Journal of Interactive Media. Special Issue: Human-Computer Interaction in Geovisualization

Enhancing Location Recommendation Through Proximity Indicators, Areal Descriptors, and Similarity Clusters

LNG&C - Progress in Location-Based Services 2016, Springer

Faceted Views of Varying Emphasis (FaVVEs): a framework for visualising multi-perspective small multiples

  • Beecham, R., Rooney, C.
  • Sebastian Meier
  • Dykes, J., Slingsby, A., Turkay, C., Wood, J. and Wong, B.
Computer Graphics Forum: the international journal of the Eurographics Association, 35(3) pp.241-249

Open Geo Tools — A State of the Art Report. The democratization of geo-tools and data continues.

Proceedings of the 64th German Cartography conference

The Marker Cluster: A Critical Analysis and a New Approach to a Common Web-based Cartographic Interface Pattern

International Journal of Agricultural and Environmental Information Systems (IJAEIS), Volume 7, Issue 1, January - March 2016

Drag and Drop Cognition: Graphical User Interface for Cognitive-affective Models in Multi-agent Systems

  • Wolf I., Gortana F., Herrmann I., Thiel, P.
  • Frank Heidmann
  • Schröder T.
2nd GESIS Computational Social Science Winter Symposium, Cologne, Germany

A brief Survey on Understanding the Interaction between Human and Technology at the Task of Pedestrian Navigation

In Proceedings of the International Summer School on Visual Computing 2015 - VCSS 2015. p135-140. Fraunhofer Verlag

Anforderungsanalyse bei IT-Experten mittels Experience-Sample-Methode.

In: Endmann, A., Fischer, H. & Krökel, M. (Hrsg.): Mensch und Computer 2015 – Usability Professionals. Berlin: De Gruyter Oldenbourg. pp. 133-143.

Exploring vibrotactile feedback on the body and foot for the purpose of pedestrian navigation

  • Meier, Anita
  • Matthies, Denys J.C.
  • Urban, Bodo
  • Wettach, Reto
In Proceedings of the 2nd international Workshop on Sensor-based Activity Recognition and Interaction - iWOAR 2015. p11. ACM.

i.Ge: Exploring New Game Interaction Metaphors with Interactive Projection

  • Patrick Oswald
  • Jordi Tost
  • Reto Wettach
Proceedings of the 9th International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction (TEI 2015)

Visualising the» Un-seen «: Towards Critical Approaches and Strategies of Inclusion in Digital Cultural Heritage Interfaces

in: KuI (Kultur und Informatik) Cross Media. Busch et al. (Hrsg.) Berlin 2015

Visualizing Large Spatial Time Series Data on Mobile Devices: Combining the HeatTile System with a Progressive Loading Approach

Proceedings of the ICC 2015, Cartography - Maps Connecting the World (Springer)

A Comparison of Location Search UI Patterns on Mobile Devices.

In: Proceedings of the MobileHCI 2014, Sept. 23–26, 2014, Toronto, ON, CA, pp. 465-470.

Heattile, a New Method for Heatmap Implementations for Mobile web-based Cartographic Applications.

In: T. Bandrova et al. (Eds.): Thematic Cartography for the Society, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography. International Conference on Cartography and GIS 2014. Berlin: Springer, pp. 33-44.

Interkulturelle Nutzeranforderungen erheben.

UP14, Stuttgart.

The Micro Smart Grid Tabletop — A real world case study for tangible multitouch technologies for communicating complex concepts

Published in the Workshop Proceedings of the workshop Tactile/Haptic User Interfaces for Tabletops and Tablets (TacTT) 2014 during the ITS conference 2014 in Dresden.

The Real Augmented Reality: Real-time Game Editor in a Spatial Augmented Environment

  • Patrick Oswald
  • Jordi Tost
  • Reto Wettach
Proceedings of the 11th Conference on Advances in Computer Entertainment Technology (ACE 2014)

Too many Markers, revisited. An empirical analysis of web-based methods for overcoming the problem of too many markers in zoomable mapping applications.

In: Computational Science and Its Applications (ICCSA), 2014 14th International Conference on Computational Science and Its Applications, pp. 121-125.